Students will learn how to use techniques such as accepting offers, not blocking and build on their collaboration skills in order create their own Improvisation TV Show
Learning Goals
Video Retreived from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40FBWM0yNsM
Activity 1 - Remembering
Using Padlet on your devices, find images, video and any other examples of what you think improvisation is.

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Activity 2 - Manhole Cover
Manhole Cover - Team Work - Whole Class
This is a mime game that needs everyone to work together perfectly.
Everyone stands in a circle.
What is a manhole cover?
What it’s made of?
It's weight?
We are going to pick up the manhole cover as a group.
We will lift to shoulder-height of the shortest person in the room, and then put it back down exactly where they found it.
What did we do well as a group. What could we improve on next time?
Activity 3 - No, Yes but, Yes
In Pairs - Who is A and B
Starting off open positions - Ready to receive.
No and
“A” comes up with the line “This weekend, we _________.” (“This weekend we went shopping.” “This weekend we shovelled snow.” “This weekend we went to the moon.”) • “B” then says: “No and...” and tries to add a bit to the story. (“No and we ate ice cream instead...”) • Then “A” (or in the case of a trio “C”) says “No and...” and tries to add a bit to the story.
Yes but...
“A” says the exact same first line of dialogue (“This weekend we went to the moon...”) • “B” then tries to build story using “Yes but...” (“Yes but we took a detour to Mars instead.”) • Continue back and forth (or around the circle of three) as before.
Yes and
“A” says the exact same first line of dialogue (“This weekend we went to the moon...”) • “B” then tries to build story using “Yes and...” (“Yes and our spaceship sprung a leak.”) • Continue back and forth (or around the circle of three) as before.
How was ‘No and’ compared to ‘Yes but’ compared to ‘Yes and’? Which was easier and why? How did it feel when your partner(s) said No to your idea?”

Activity 4 - Improv. Spot
Your challenge is to create an online ad for your new improv comedy show.
Your film must be 1-2 Mins in length and feature as many of your group as possible.
You must film an example of one of the games, using the Ipads.
You must you splice to edit your performance.
You must upload it to YouTube as an unlisted video and share it on our Padlet.
Feedback and Reflection
On our Padlet, you must find two videos to provide effective feedback on
Once you have received your feedback you must reflect on the process and the comments and post your final remarks about the activity.