MAKE A MOVE targets the learning of primary teachers and their students to deliver and achieve dance outcomes aligning with the Australian Curriculum: the Arts. It is a program of integrated learning activities that expose teachers, schools and students to dance as education, much more than the 5,6,7 8 steps!
MAKE A MOVE uses action learning at school, during school hours, with teachers working alongside a dance artist in the classroom. It emphasises links with other learning areas — eg science through dance, literacy through movement — developing understanding through creative processes, performance and reflection. This will enable better use of time and incorporation of all learning styles.
Program Structure:
Key Artist and Artistic Director provide worksheets and facilitate discussion addressing the following content:
Dance skills & knowledge
Design curriculum driven & links to other subjects through dance
Safe Dance Practice
Design curriculum driven & links to other subjects through dance
Assessment in Dance
Choreographic collaboration, making dances for performance with students
A two hour development dance workshop led by Key Artist, assisted by Artistic Director implementing discussion topics and theory. Technical dance warm up, knowledge and skills content (eg. dance elements) and creative tasks with feedback and discussion amongst peers.