Course Objectives
To develop shared values which promote the attitude, skill and knowledge needed to implement Team-Teach in the workplace.
To develop positive handling skills in behaviour management including verbal and non-verbal communication, diversion and de-escalation and safe effective, humane physical interventions.
To develop skills in positive listening and debrief.
Course Details
6 Hour Foundation Course
Description: Aimed at low risk Service Settings (Mainstream Secondary/Primary Schools, Nurseries, Children's Hospitals, Elderly Care, etc). This course covers personal safety, risk reductions strategies, positive handling, together with documentation and legal guidance.
Format: Organised into 8 modules:
Module 1 – Background to Team-Teach
Module 2 – The Legal Framework
Module 3 – Understanding Aggression
Module 4 – How Feelings Drive Behaviours
Module 5 – De-escalation and Defusion
Module 6 – Personal Safety
Module 7 – Positive Handling (mainly guiding and escorting safely – if a greater degree of holding is required, please refer to the 12 Hour Basic Course)
Module 8 – Repair, Reflection and Review
Outcome: Participant will receive a Course Workbook and Certificate. Certification for this course is valid for 36 months.